What’s the best way to buy a car?
Everyone has their own style. Some always buy new. Some swear by buying used and keeping it until it turns into dust, then sweeping up the dust and flying on it for a few more months. Some choose to lease rather than to buy, but which is the “right” way?
Over the years I think I have formed the conviction that it depends on what you value most. And I think the two commodities that are at the heart of the issue are “money” and “time and energy”.
Those that value the importance of the economic decision, usual frame their choice based upon the least annual cost to drive the vehicle over time. Those that value spending less time and emotional energy toward their vehicles frame their choice based upon which option will allow them to invest the least amount of time in order to reduce the headache and emotional energy as it relates to the vehicle they drive from day-to-day.
I know that I’ve changed my conviction on which is more important to me over the years.
I began with a “economic” framework. That led me to purchase older vehicles, deal with small and large repairs, and undergo the indigestion of indecision between keeping a car I’ve invested so much in versus moving on to the next vehicle.
More recently, I determined that I don’t want to spend days without my vehicle while it is in the shop, mind bending decisions about how much to invest in repairs, or going without air-conditioning in the Southern California summer. Because of this, I actually spend more each year to own and operate the vehicle that give me less hassle. But it’s a trade-off that I can emotionally embrace due to my conviction of the value of my time and emotional sanity.
So whichever framework you embrace, be at peace that your decisions are fulfilling what matters most to you.
How do you purchase your vehicles? What “drives” the decision?
If you have any questions please feel free to contact me